
College of Tourism and Creativity
College of Tourism and Creativity


Seven Generals Temple

It is said that in the 9th year of Tongzhi (1870 AD), the Dali General General Headquarters sent six soldiers to patrol the area of ​​Ayaowu (now Wufeng). During the execution of the task, they were surrounded by people from Ayaowu and Caozhifan , but outnumbered and killed. Among them, the patrol dog ran back to the headquarters to bark, it was too late for the headquarters to send people to rescue, and the patrol dog bit his tongue and committed suicide.

The villagers felt that the seven righteous men often blessed the people, so they raised funds to build a temple sacrifice and named it "Zhongyi Temple Seven Generals Temple". Every year, the fifth day of the lunar calendar is the Day of the Seven Generals Temple, and it is the festival day. The Seven Generals Temple is so prestigious that if you look for lost things, you will find them.


  傳說同治九年(西元1870) ,大里杙總兵部派六名士兵赴阿罩霧(現今的霧峰)巡防地方,在執行任務時被阿罩霧出草支番人包圍,六人雖奮勇應戰,但寡不敵眾全被殺害身亡。當中一同帶去的義犬奔回總部狂吠,總部派人前往援救卻為時已晚,而義犬則咬舌自盡。





Seven Generals Temple